Effects 2
Labels: Mara
Labels: Mara
Labels: Adam Hollie Mara Oli**
Labels: Adam Hollie Mara Oli**
Labels: Adam Hollie Mara Oli**
Can you describe what happens in our thriller?
What would you add to make it longer?
What do you think works best in our thriller?
Do you like of dislike the music and why
Labels: Hollie
Towards the end of are editing to are final version, we also started to look at are soundtrack to make sure it fitted in with the final version by making sure it was the same length and by making sure it fitted in how we wanted it to. However, Mara had a look at it and thought that it didn't really fit in with the sequence so tried out other things, but in the end we changed it back to the original version as we were running out of time! Also we had to make sure the soundtrack finished a couple of seconds before the end as we had to make room for the tv noise at the end.
Labels: Hollie Oli Mara Adam
Since the animatics, we have changed the order of shots, titles, and have added new shots to our sequence. For example, in our animatics the first shot was the alley way shot with the Tangerine Productions in but now that and is 2nd shot, however with the tangerine productions in the shot on the high building overlooking Cambridge, which was what Oli shot when he took the camera to his work and done some extra filming.
Labels: Hollie Oli Mara Adam
Labels: Hollie Oli Mara Adam
Positive things that went well during filming:
Negative things:
Labels: Hollie
Our group went to Milton to film around Milton and to film at Maras house as we needed different props such as a knife and we needed to film through a kitchen window for part of are sequence. During filming, we obviously shot what was in our storyboard but throughout it we thought of new ideas and places where we could film which would look quite mysterious. When we finished shooting in Milton, Oli took the camera himself and filmed the rest at his work Millets, then once we got back to college, during media lesson we had to film abit more to finish it. I played the part of the dead body at the murder scene. Oli brought in tape which we used to make it look like a murder scene on the news report.
Labels: Hollie
Labels: Adam Richards
Other members of our class gave us this feedback to out rough cut...
Labels: Adam Hollie Mara Oli**
Labels: Adam Richards
Labels: oli
Labels: oli
1st shot = shot of streets for Tangerine Production
Labels: Holllie*
People in the class thought that we need to make our soundtrack longer as it's not complete yet, also when we come to doing the final shots, we need to change the order of the titles. For example, Tangerine Productions - Edited By.. - Directed By.. - then go on to the Actors/Actresses because at the moment its not really in order. In the final shots we need to make some of the shots fuzzy and so they're flicking on and off which we haven't done in the animatics.
Labels: Holllie*
Labels: Mara
Title of film - i spy
In the Kids TV we didn't get an organized shot list, so for this thriller, we will definitely should be more organized with a planned shot list and what we need to shoot!
Labels: Mara
'I Spy'
Labels: Adam Hollie Mara Oli**
Labels: oli
Labels: Mara
Labels: Holllie*
I think this intro using interesting techniques when putting the credits on screen. The separte letters from each word start scatered and then collect to make the word/sentence. It also uses a font which i think works well with the pictures on screen and the music. It has the name of the person in block capitals and the job they did in lower case. I think this works well as it emphises the person rather than the whole thing.
Labels: oliver
Oli -
Labels: oli